Imigra 10mg

Rs. 35.00
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Generic Name: Flunarizine      View Generic Items
Main Drug Group: calcium channel blocker
Used in the prophylaxis of migraine, occlusive peripheral vascular disease, vertigo of central and peripheral origin, and as an adjuvant in the therapy of epilepsy.
Drug Intrations: The metabolism of Flunarizine can be decreased when combined with Acetaminophen.

The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetazolamide is combined with Flunarizine

The risk or severity of hypoglycemia can be increased when Flunarizine is combined with Acarbose.

The risk or severity of hyperkalemia can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Flunarizine.

The metabolism of Flunarizine can be decreased when combined with Albendazole.

The metabolism of Flunarizine can be decreased when combined with Amitriptyline.

The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amiodarone is combined with Flunarizine.

Amlodipine may increase the arrhythmogenic activities of Flunarizine.

The risk or severity of bradycardia can be increased when Flunarizine is combined with Atenolol.
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Central Nervous System Relevant Products,